Growing up in Queens, NY, I knew at least a half-dozen guys like Donald Trump. The blowhards I remember were all above average or outstanding in at least one facet of adolescent life. Good looking, smart, a legitimate “tough guy” or maybe an exceptional athlete or student, these loudmouths all had one thing in common. They were narcissists who believed their abilities or gifts entitled them to show others what to do or how to live their lives. The implied payoff was that if you follow their lead you will be like them and share in whatever notoriety or popularity they enjoyed. Those who followed the blowhards quickly learned that it was never about them, the followers, but always about burnishing the reputation or popularity of the narcissist. This type of person can come from anywhere; I just happen to find Trump's version familiar because we grew up in the same area.
So go ahead if you think the Donald is the answer. Jump on his train and see where it takes you. Despite his promises, you’ll find out in the end none of what he is selling is really about the greater good. Ultimately, it’s all about him. That’s the way it always is with these guys.
That's my view.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head, Irv. We can only hope that Trump is beginning to unravel, and his numbers will begin to fall, or that he continues to surge in the polls, wins the nomination, and loses to the Democratic nominee. Either one works for me!
AMEN!Some people need narcissistic types to follow. Everyone else realizes sooner or later that the emperor, indeed, has no clothes on.
And that is what makes horse racing.
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