Thursday, August 21, 2008

Midnight Ramblings from EWR to SAN

Trying to understand your own life requires the ability to clearly analyze the information that explains who you are. The reasons you might subject yourself to such an analysis can range from trying to find a new job to choosing a life partner. The point is not to over think every decision. But leading an examined life, as Socrates tells us, is a fundamental piece of living itself. And as we grow older, the ability to see in new ways grows, or at least our perspective becomes wider and deeper.

Struggles can make us stronger or wound us. Even wounds can heal and become sources of strength. How we respond to life’s triumphs and obstacles can define us in profound and powerful ways. It’s taken me 57 years to really understand one of my favorite Dylan lines, “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”.

Sitting on an airplane, heading home after a week away, feels like a beginning. Physical motion fascinates. How we move, get from place to place, encompasses breathtaking technological triumph; but mostly, we take it for granted. Our world is a study in contrast. Like anything else in life, we can use technology for good or bad.

As we’ve been discussing in previous blogs, the current moment is a fertile time for creativity. In part, we’re driven by the inability of our longtime employers, television stations and networks, to find ways to use the new story telling tools for positive—and profitable—purpose. We intend to embrace those possibilities.

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