One of the most troubling stories in the news today is the ongoing coverage of self-help purv

Ray has made millions of dollars selling his formula for material success linked to a version of spiritual enlightenment. His best selling book is called Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want. According to his own website Ray has appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s program, Larry King Live, and has been a “recurring guest” on NBC’s The Today Show. With all this publicity and notoriety it’s not surprising that Ray had customers who were willing to pay for the promise of “harmonic wealth” and enlightenment. Others have been more skeptical, including Maureen Dowd who mentioned Ray's appearance on Oprah in 2007.
Second-guessing is too easy so we will avoid blaming the high profile media who helped Ray gain the success he’s enjoyed. But it is fair to question the wisdom of worshiping success for its own sake. Ray’s greatest accomplishment seems to be that he has been successful at building a business that ostensibly helps people. No doubt, he’s controversial and was before the sweat lodge deaths. Testimonials on his website and several interviews in the media speak of life changing transformations experienced by satisfied seminar participants and clients. But there is another side. Complaints to the Better Business Bureau, and other claims by disgruntled customers have also been reported.
Ray will have to face the legal system to learn whether criminal charges or civil proceedings will force him to take responsibility for what happened in the high priced sweat lodge where so many willingly went to part with their dollars hoping for greater wealth, enlightenment, and a better life. Whatever happens with the legal system, it’s helpful to question the role of not only the media but all aspects of our culture that promote success over service, celebrity more than substance, and “reality” programming at the expense of real reporting.